This “near Passive House” 2,222 sf home uses standard, locally available building components (some donated) that were assembled by 137 high school student volunteers plus supervisors in 2 weeks.

The building features super installation throughout as well as southern solar orientation with shading overhangs. The lower level has 2” rigid insulation under the concrete slab and ICF’s for the walls.  The upper level is assembled with 12” double studded walls with Dense Pack Insulation along with 20 inches of cellulose in the attic space. A mini-split system provides the conditioned air with fresh air, via an Energy Recovery Unit. The house achieved a .45ACH which contributed to a significant reduction of the operating costs. The proof-of-concept is provided by the home’s actual electric bills: averaging $0.48 per square foot per year.  This result is a credit to Habitat for Humanity of Armstrong County’s vision of providing long-term affordable housing for their clients.  Architect:  Tom Harley